Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Dealing with the Class Gap During the Progressive Era

The early to mid 1900s proved to be a whirlwind for politics and society as a whole. While there were a plethora of issues to be dealt with within the Progressive Era, one of the most noteworthy issues to discuss would be that of the working class and the businessmen of the first quarter of the 1900s. The reason why these two portions of society within the Progressive Era are the most relevant to discuss stems from the fact that during the Progressive Era there was a great gap between the upper-class (businessmen) and the lower-class (working class). It was during this time that the country was experiencing great changes to its political platform with several new types of initiatives being taken. The applicability of these reforms and initiatives during this era will be talked about. As a first example, consider the case of the working class citizens as a whole. With an economy that was starting to become consumer based, the working class citizens made up a large sector that had an i mpact. In order for the working class to have their voice heard, the labor union movement gained traction and political initiatives such as minimum wages, new jobs, social security, and reform acts such as the National Labor Relations Act were formed by the mid 1900s. The Progressive Era introduced solutions for the working class, seeing that the ideology of Progressive advocates was that there should be governmental assistance in any socioeconomic issues that the country is afflicted with.Show MoreRelatedPoverty, Poor, And Poor1754 Words   |  8 PagesThe concepts of â€Å"worthy† and â€Å"unworthy† poor came about during the English Poor Laws that were introduced in the 1500’s. The English poor laws classified poor or dependent people into three major categories and established many requirement before aid was provided. 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